[C4 Rides] Saturday Morning Options for 6/16/12

Earnhardt, Sean SeanEarnhardt at EuropaSports.com
Thu Jun 14 11:35:57 EDT 2012

Hey All,
	I wanted to send this out to see if people had planned on any of the special rides for this Saturday.  (I'm trying to decide what to do...)

There is an Assault on Morrow Mountain that pulls out at 7:30 in Locust (http://www.weeklyrides.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=13&Itemid=114) AND, there is the Tour De Kale out of Denton (http://www.tourdekale.com/) that I've heard is a great ride with many options and perks.  Then, of course, there is the regular Saturday Morning SAMBO and LSD rides.

Without going far, there are at least 4 possibilities for this Saturday Morning.  I know of one person doing the MM Assault, but was just trying to get an idea of what everyone else had in mind.  My assumption was, with Sunday being Fathers day, the Flowe ride will not be that well attended.

So, anyway, if you know what you are doing, let us know.  At the least, you may help me decide!

Sean E

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