[C4 Rides] C4 Tuesday ride options

Earnhardt, Sean SeanEarnhardt at EuropaSports.com
Sun Jul 2 23:59:13 EDT 2017

Main ride appears to be the 8am ride leaving out of The Right Gear in Concord.  This will be about 45 miles but the first 5 and the last 5 will be Union Street so mostly flat.  I know of several folks riding that should be averaging near 17+/-.  If there is a faster group that wants to split, that's fine as long as they know the route!  So far, I haven't heard of anyone commit to a slower or shorter route, but if you will be there and are willing to lead a shorter/slower group, let me know!

The Tuesday evening Train ride will be Show-n-go.

There may be a Mountain bike option, but I haven't heard any details.  If you are planning to ride MTB, and want company, let us know when and where.

Hope to see you there. And Happy Independence Day!
Sean E
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