[C4 Rides] Upcoming rides and C4 Club Meeting

Earnhardt, Sean SeanEarnhardt at EuropaSports.com
Thu Mar 9 12:20:07 EST 2017

Hey folks,
	DST is this Sunday!  (Along with cold and crappy weather....)  But, it'll be nice until then and looks good to start next weeks Tuesday / Thursday rides.

If you are interested, we have one more MTB Night Ride TONIGHT at 6:00 at Rocky River Trail.  Bring a light and join us if you want.  At least 4 committed with one other probable.

Saturday's SAMBO will be the last at 10:00 as that ride changes with the DST.  We are also looking at officially marking the routes (even though Tuesday and Thursday will be short for a few more weeks before we can hit the "full routes".  Sunday stays at 2:00 but will probably not happen this week due to the weather...

My plan is to ride this route on Tuesday:  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/10008053
(Cuts out first Mt. Moriah Climb and is a left onto Enochville)  based on daylight and speed we'll see what we can lengthen it to for the following week.

Thursday would be: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/10010002
(Figure 8)

We'd LOVE to start with "full routes" but since that isn't an option, we'll "creep up" on the full routes as time and daylight allows.

C4 FIRST MEETING of 2017!!!!
After the Tuesday ride at Main Street Pizza (beside the What-A-Burger) on Main Street in Kannapolis.  We'll shoot to start at 8:00 but we'll get there earlier to order food and the secret elixir of life...BEER!

PLEASE plan to attend that as we want to know what rides you guys want to do this year and when.  Mt. Mitchell, Beech Mtn Metric (Route only; not the official ride), New River Trail, Mountain Biking Options.  Lots of things to talk about.  Also, that would be a GREAT time to turn in your forms and payments if you haven't yet.  BUT, even if you haven't paid yet, come on out.

Hope to see you all tonight, Saturday, or Tuesday at the latest!
Sean Earnhardt

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