[C4 Rides] C4 Monthly Meeting and tonights scheduled ride

Earnhardt, Sean SeanEarnhardt at EuropaSports.com
Tue Oct 14 16:16:31 EDT 2014

Good afternoon everyone!  First things first.  With the weather being sketchy at best and, even if it doesn't rain there is a Tornado and Thunderstorm warning along with 11+ mph winds; the club officers decided it was best to officially cancel tonight's scheduled ride from Touchdown Pizza at 6:00.

So, secondly, tonight was ALSO supposed to be the scheduled monthly meeting at 8:00 at Touchdown Pizza.  We've decided to reschedule that to NEXT TUESDAY (10/21/2014) at 8:00.

We would REALLY like to see more folks show up to the monthly meetings!  (Come on, it's only once a month...)  If you have suggestions as to what would get more folks to participate in the monthly meetings, we'd love to hear them.  We've also given some thought to changing to a quarterly meeting, but if that just means you'll only miss 4 meetings instead of 12 meetings, I don't think that is solving the problem.

Ideas would be changing days, time, location, etc.

So, anyway, some items that we want to discuss NEXT Tuesday to be pondering:

1) New KIT order with NEW / DIFFERENT colors.
2) Socks!
3) Special Club Rides:  A few folks have mentioned doing a club AOMM (morrow mtn.)  We also have some Mountain Biking Trips we'd like to discuss and schedule.
4) What to do about the Thursday Night Ride.  Currently, we were thinking about trying to let the "default" be to do loops in K-Town, but we'd also like to schedule night MTB rides, Huntersville Business Park rides, and maybe some other rides.  We figured that we'd have better participation if we put them on a schedule so that folks could prepare in advance.
5) Club Officer nominations / votes.

So, as you can see, we really do have things to discuss that we'd like to hear from a majority of you.

To recap:  No ride or meeting tonight, but I'll see ALL of you next Tuesday night at TDP.

Sean Earnhardt, VP

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