[C4 Rides] Thursday Night Ride Status Update

Earnhardt, Sean SeanEarnhardt at EuropaSports.com
Thu Oct 23 15:54:14 EDT 2014

Good afternoon!  Look for a more formal update later along with other info that came out of Tuesday Nights meeting.

Until the time changes back in the spring, the Thursday night ride originating from The Right Gear is suspended.  However, the "default" alternate location will be riding loops in downtown Kannapolis just like the Tuesday ride.  Having said that, the main loop will be closed, we think, until the November 4th ride.  Also of importance is that there is NO RIDE LEADER for this alternate ride and it is purely SHOW AND GO. (it's also a 0.9 mile loop so getting dropped really isn't a problem.)

So, in light of that, you are "on your own" for Thursday nights until at least 11/6/2014.  Maybe it's a good time to start scaling back?  NO!  That's just crazy talk!

We will be working on a calendar for Thursday's where we try to get some folks to go to the Huntersville Business Park, Night MTB Rides, Night ROAD rides out in the country, and maybe some other options.  Until that comes out, please use the rides mailing list and let others know where you'll be riding and you just may get some company.

Thanks everyone!  And also thanks to all that showed up to the monthly meeting; we had a good turnout.
Sean E

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