[C4 Rides] 200 Miles of Hell

Chris Ashworth cncguru at aol.com
Sun Jun 14 13:43:05 EDT 2015

The Black & Blue Double Century Relay
The crash Thursday night was just the beginning of a bad week cycling:).  Saturday was just not my day. The race started great as I was hooked up with the second group paceline and all was going well.  Then at 22mi into race on the second descent at 42mph I hit debris and rear wheel blew out which made controlling the bike to a stop very entertaining.  (Think riding a bike on ice.)  It was close to 3/4mi to stop, but did keep it upright.  I changed the tube and back in action, but no chance of ever catching up.  I made progress, but the wind was ridiculously strong as the day progress and without any help to pull it was brutal & fatigue eventually took its toll on me as well.  The heat came on strong in the afternoon and keeping hydrated was a challenge.  By the time I got to 175mi check point I had consumed over 3 gallons of fluid and still needed more.  Darkness caught up to me on busy highway and for safety the race director stopped me at 182.6mi.  I didn't complain at the time because it wasn't worth the risk. (Bet no one ever thought they would hear me say that!)
Overall it was an exquisite day of suffering just as I expected.

A few notes for next week:

Expect it to be HOT and plan for enough fluid and stops.  Its very easy to screw up:).  One cyclist Saturday was having hallucinations.

Make sure to eat some real food along the way.  For 200 you need something more than powders and gels.  Oranges, Bananas, Clif Bars, Bagels, etc.  You may get what I would call a sick feeling from lack of food which will affect performance.  And after a lot of miles & heat you will not feel like eating anything even when you should.

You not have the climbing going to the beach, but it is still 200miles don't take it lightly.  

If I feel I have recovered enough I'll be a part of it.  BUT right now everything hurts & still cramping on command or whenever I put weight on my toes:).

Christopher Ashworth
(704) 608 1280


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