[C4 Rides] Annual (or semi-annual) Mt. Mitchell Climb

Earnhardt, Sean SeanEarnhardt at EuropaSports.com
Wed May 6 13:50:20 EDT 2015

Happy Hump Day everyone!  It's that time of year to get a show of hands as to who is really interested in, and will commit to, driving up and doing the Mt. Mitchell climb.  During the last group meeting, it was determined that Sunday morning, May 17th was to be the day.  That's ONE WEEK from this coming Sunday (which, by the way, PSA: this coming Sunday is Mother's Day.)

You can use google Maps to see how to get to the intersection of 80 and 70 in Marion, but here is a link to the actual climb:  http://ridewithgps.com/routes/7785945.  Don't let it scare you, I did it with a 36/28 and I'm a sprinter!  This is just one of those rides where you need to know that you'll just find "your speed" and then grind it out all the way to the top.  If you are like me, the descent makes it well worth it.

And, to make you feel a little guilty, I believe Bruce is planning on doing it the day after the Beech Mountain Metric.   He'll end up with well over 10,000 feet for the weekend.

I used semi-annual in the title because there was also talk of doing this again in the Fall.  THAT HAS NOT BEEN CONFIRMED; so it may not happen.

Once we get the list of who is interested, we'll send out another email with further details.  If you have any questions, let us know.

Sean Earnhardt
VP of this awesome club!

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