[C4 Rides] One Last Weeknight Hoorah?

Earnhardt, Sean SeanEarnhardt at EuropaSports.com
Thu Oct 29 14:46:11 EDT 2015

Is anyone interested in one last "real" ride of the season tonight at 6:00 from The Right Gear?  If so, I'm thinking that we can do this 13.5 Mile sprint route: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/10049005  In about 43 minutes (but that's a 20 MPH average)

I also have this 10 mile route that would take about 30 minutes (Still at a 20 MPH Average)

Either way, I'll be happy to join in as long as someone else wants to.  But with the overcast skies, we really can't push the time without riding in full darkness.

If you want to ride, let me know; otherwise I suppose I'll break out the torture device, I mean trainer...  


Regardless of tonight's decision, remember that we have loops on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting next week.

Also, Sunday looks to be wet at this point so the SAMBO looks to be the best option for the weekend.  I guess it's time to break out the cold weather gear.  If my sinus infection doesn't get better, I'll be hanging on to the B group for sure...

Sean E

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