[Terrytaylor] Summersville to EllingtonMo

Terry Taylor terryptaylor at gmail.com
Sat Sep 3 09:50:45 EDT 2016

I rode east from Summersville on normal hilly roads. Then when I got to Alley Spring,in the Ozarks National Scenic Waterways , it became the most difficult day on a bike I have ever experienced. The hills became like walls and never a break. I would make it to the top of one and see a fast downhill and the next "wall" I would stop at the top to let my heartbeat normalize. While waiting I would pray to God for help up this next hill cause I certainly needed His help. 
 This continued the rest of the day. I realized I was getting very tired I even considered walking up but I cannot push my loaded bike uphill. So I thought I would carry the panniers up the hill 2 at a time that would mean walking up the hill three times. I decided that I would stick with the original plan,make it to the top rest pray and go racing down the hill and about 15 feet up the next hill and I would be in my lowest gear. I had to use my lowest gear even though I will be below 3miles an hour. I cannot maintain directional stability at that speed so I was using both lanes as I zig zaged up hill there was very little traffic and when a vehicle would come I would push as hard as I could to get above 3mph so I could control my steering. That would leave me even more out of breath at the top I would gasp for air like a fish out of water. I have nitro g tabs for if I get chest pains l had to dig them out of a pannier and put them closer in the handlebar bag. I did just fine by stopping at the top of each hill but it surly made for a long day. I finally made it to Ellington pop 993. I stopped at a gas station convience store they were getting ready to close at 6:30 I had been a long time getting there. 
The guy congratulated me on making it at all. He said many riders have quit. 
I found out they have a hostel for cyclists. I called the number and it is the 911/ Sherriffs dispatcher
She told me where it was and the code to open the door. Of course I was the only one here. Nice small house with shower and cots and AC. 
I went to the dollar store and by now it is dark and I put on my lights. I rode through a grocery store parking lot and realized I don't know my way back to the hostel. I asked an employee there and a woman walked up and directed me to the hostel. She said she takes in cyclists also. She asked how I did on the hills. I told her it was the most difficult physical thing I had ever done. She said she also knew of cyclists who quit after this hills. 
She said she had a couple who were ridding recumbents who asked her where the next town they could get a train. She told them and they paid her 100 dollars to take them there. 
I asked her how it is going east for me she said much the same perhaps not as bad. 
So I rode 48.7 miles according to Mr. Garmin and averaged 4.75 mph and climbed 3635.2 feet. 

Sent from my iPhone

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