[Terrytaylor] {Spam?} I left the motel and headed west my motorcycle was not running right when I got to Marquette I went to the Harley dealership to have them look at it. Now you know that Harley people don’t care for other brands of bikes. I took a chance anyway so you understand what stress I was feeling Anyway they turned out to be nice people. I showed them how it wouldn’t idle and giving it a little gas just made it miss and stumble the mechanic said quickly turn it off and get off now the catalytic converter was red hot and it I about two inches from the rear tire which was in the process o smoking and starting to melt I moved the bike some to give a new place on the tire so it wouldn’t melt. They wrote up a ticket on it and I thought I would have to take out a loan to get my bike back. They checked the coils , the spark plugs they checked the catalytic converter and finally found one of the two throttle cables was in a bind as a fuel line from my second gas tank was up against it so they corrected that and now it’s doing fine. I continued on and it started to rain. I don’t know if they. Have a grading system but I would give a ten for ferocity I could hardly see as I completely missed the campground I had wanted to stay and was getting soaked I saw a wayside area on the left I turned around and pulled into it there were pit toilets so I grabbed my rain pants and got into the toilet and worked on getting them on over completely soaked pants after much pulling I managed to get them on ,I got my boots on and returned to the storm and you guest it it had completely stopped raining I kept the rain pants on as it blocked the wind from my wet pants. Having missed my intended campground I continued fo quite a distance Stopped At a gas station and asked about campgrounds. He directed me to TheVillage of Lake Linden they have a community campground and it was only 15$a night I got there at ten o’clock and there was still enough lite to put up my camper. I stayed two nights as it was such a decent price. I got my laundry done and visited with a neighbor who was living in a tent and just got ajob 29 years old and trying to get it together been sober ten months now. I left for Ironwood this AM and all set up at curry park. I ave three brothers and a sister born in Ironwood mi I went through sixth grade her so I am familiar with the town.

terry taylor terryptaylor at gmail.com
Thu Jun 27 15:50:07 EDT 2019


Sent from my iPhone

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