[Terrytaylor] Louisa to Ashland VA

Terry Taylor terryptaylor at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 19:01:38 EDT 2016

I started out and it threatened rain had my covers on my panniers 
It started to rain but not seriously. I put on my rain jacket and after about an hour of slight sprinkle I put it away. The rain had stopped but I could hear thunder constantly. Finally I ran into serious rain put my rain jacket on and went on soon my shoes and feet were soaked and my riding shorts. My well ventilated helmet allowed my head to soak also. Now it got real serious and the road was running water. The hills I climbed had muddy water running downhill. I couldn't get any wetter and I found that I was enjoying the challenge of it. Persperation along  with  water stung my eyes making it difficult to see through my rained on glasses. It was many miles and small hills but I was 
Fine with it. I finally came to the outskirts of Ashland and as I approached Railroad tracks I saw that my Garmin indicated I turn right after the tracks. It rained heavily as I stood there waiting for the worlds longest freight train to clear. It finally did and I crossed the tracks to make my right turn. I found a one way road going the wrong way then I realized the road on the other side of tracks where I stood for so long was where I was to
turn. Well I will remember that if I ever come this way again. The streets were flooded curb to curb with the high center mostly clear. I road down the middle of the road much to the chagrin of cars behind me but I noticed none of them opted for deep water to get passed me. 
52.8 miles 7.69 mph average
1768.4 of up now that's more tolerable

I am in a motel trying to dry my shoes and shorts
All in all I really enjoyed today I was thinking I might enjoy rain over hills is that wrong?

Sent from my iPhone

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